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Barcodescanning / Accessoires /

Generalscan FlexGrip Wireless GHR201

Generalscan FlexGrip Wireless GHR201 Vooraanzicht Achteraanzicht Onderaanzicht Bovenaanzicht Generalscan FlexGrip Wireless GHR201 Generalscan FlexGrip Wireless GHR201 Generalscan FlexGrip Wireless GHR201 Generalscan FlexGrip Wireless GHR201 Generalscan FlexGrip Wireless GHR201
Generalscan FlexGrip Wireless GHR201 Vooraanzicht Achteraanzicht Onderaanzicht Bovenaanzicht Generalscan FlexGrip Wireless GHR201 Generalscan FlexGrip Wireless GHR201 Generalscan FlexGrip Wireless GHR201 Generalscan FlexGrip Wireless GHR201 Generalscan FlexGrip Wireless GHR201
Generalscan FlexGrip Wireless GHR201
Generalscan Flexgrip reduces fatigue and increases comfort, especially during long shifts.
€ 129,50
Prix par pièce
Variante: Generalscan FlexGrip Wireless GHR201
Quantité : 
All-day comfort employees can rely on. The ergonomically designed grip provides maximum comfort even in harsh scanning environments, significantly reducing user fatigue and increasing productivity. The Flexgrip is easy to assemble and clean. The Generalscan Barcode Scanners are very easy to mount on the flexgrip, just press the latch and release, the scanner and the flexgrip are then attached to each other.


1. Select your connection type: Wired (with cable) or Wireless (without cable)
2. Select the correct size FlexGrip L or S

The size depends on the Generalscan barcode scanner series that you want to purchase or have already purchased.

For barcode scanners from the 1100 or 5500 series, choose size: L
For barcode scanners from the 1500 or 3500 series, choose size: S

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